Your 2025 College Captain Team

We are proud to announce your 2025 College Captain Team:

Captains: Tien Tran, Raff Caulfield

Vice Captains: April Kokkoris, Zachary Al Mosawi

Paul Faci

Acting Assistant Principal


We are incredibly honoured to represent the college for our upcoming 2025 school year.

We aim to foster a lasting sense of community by providing new opportunities for connections across year levels, as well as between staff and students.

Grateful for the trust you have vested in us, we will use input from the student body, and the wider community, to inform our work. We are always here to listen to your ideas, and ensure that they are given weight on a decision-making level.

Thank you, and we look forward to co-hosting the upcoming Awards Celebration evening with you at the Clock Tower on Tuesday 17th December.


Your 2025 College Captains: Tien, Raff, April, Zach
