Aspiration, Kindness, Resilience and Community allows us to focus on the holistic development of students and staff. Together, we strive to ensure our students exceed their learning potential. This is achieved by promoting an inclusive culture where everyone can build their wings.

Using a School Wide Positive Behaviour in Schools (SWPBS) approach, staff model our values to explicitly teach students what our values look like throughout daily life at the college and in the community. Each term, the college has a Values focus which provides a theme for assemblies and Home Group curriculum. Our values inform our decision-making, and policy implementation to ensure our staff, students and wider community can achieve their best in a safe and inclusive environment.

Our College Values

All Students should expect to:

  • Be treated fairly and respectfully by all members of the school community
  • Be safe and secure
  • Have stimulating teaching and learning
  • Learn in the classroom without interruption
  • Have a clean, safe and orderly learning environment
  • Have equitable access to school programs regardless of gender and cultural background
  • Express their views appropriately through the appropriate channels (e.g. Student Leaders, Sub-School, School Council)
  • Feel safe from discrimination, harassment or indoctrination
  • Receive ongoing communications, effective feedback about both classwork and behaviour, along with assessments and reports about their progress
  • Be acknowledged for contributing positively to the school community, and/or achieving their personal best in learning
  • Be at a school that has a commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse

All Students have the responsibility to:

  • Come to school in correct uniform
  • Bring equipment ready and prepared to learn
  • Be on time to school and all classes
  • Remain at school, in class for the whole day (unless otherwise agreed by the school and parents/carers)
  • Participate in College programs that are offered appropriate to their year level
  • Respect the right of others to learn and be willing to take on all learning opportunities
  • Communicate clearly and honestly any issues of concern they have about their learning to an appropriate staff member
  • Care for their own property/equipment and respect the property/equipment of other students and of the school
  • Respect the individuality of others regardless of gender, sexuality, ability, religious and/or cultural backgrounds
  • Use digital technology and electronic communication in a safe and respectful manner
  • Respect their personal health and emotional wellbeing (and that of others)

Parents/Carers should expect:

  • That teachers show interest in and concern for the education and welfare of all students
  • To be consulted and informed of progress and other issues involving their child
  • To be provided with the opportunity for involvement in the school-based decision-making process
  • To be kept informed about School-related issues
  • The school has a commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse

Parents/Carers have the responsibility:

  • To encourage their child’s punctual attendance at school
  • To communicate via Compass regarding any absences / lateness to school, as soon as practicable
  • To show an interest in their child’s school work, progress and home-study program
  • To provide a suitable learning environment at home
  • To encourage an awareness in their child of the importance of having a reasonable balance between school work, family responsibilities and other activities
  • To read all school circulars and forms of communication