Later Years Handbook (10-12)

Our school provides a broad range of programs for students in the later years. The two senior secondary certificates in Victoria are:

Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM)

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

VCE VM is based on applied learning and designed to give students practical work-related experience, literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for work and life.

It also aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding pathways to work and further education.

VCE is undertaken by students in Years 11 and 12 but can be started in Year 10. It provides a range of subjects to meet the needs of students and provides pathways to further study at university, TAFE or employment.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools is a vocationally oriented program that is part of either VCE VM or VCE. It provides credit towards these certificates as well as the opportunity to undertake a nationally recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Note: The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is responsible for the curriculum, assessment and certification of both the VCE and the VCE VM.

Our school provides young people with career development programs and services that equip them with knowledge, skills and capabilities to become self-reliant career managers who are able to make the best possible educational, training and occupational choices and manage their life, learning and work in rapidly changing labour markets.

Programs and support services includes:

  • careers counselling advice through personal interviews and group discussions
  • careers information – printed and electronic resources
  • career education
  • course counselling as student’s progress from one year level to another

The Victorian Government schools’ careers and transition programs ensure that all students aged 15 years and over are provided with an individual Career Action Plan (MIPs/pathways plan) and associated support as a means to making a successful transition to further education, training or full-time employment. Our school also provides additional support to students at risk of disengaging or not making a successful transition to further education, training or secure employment. Further funding is provided under Wannik MIPs to government schools to provide careers and transition support to Koorie students enrolled in Years 8 and 9.

Click on Buckley Park College Careers Website for all the latest information

For further information on Pathways and Managed Individual Pathways contact:

Andrea Medic
Careers & VCE VM Leader

Passionate, Dedicated and Engaging Teachers

Our teachers take great pride in forming and maintaining safe and respectful relationships with all students. Students are appropriately challenged to strive for excellence in their learning, which enables them to reach their future education and/or vocational goals.

We value high expectations in and out of the classroom which help bring a focused approach to students striving for excellence which enables them to pursue their future educational and/or vocational goals post-secondary school.