Principal Report

It has been wonderful to see our students engaged in their learning, eager to embrace the opportunities and challenges for the 2025 school year. Our staff have returned energised with our staff actively collaborating on the first day and ensuring the college curriculum was well positioned for delivery with the organisational changes in place. I am pleased to share the following Principal Report which reflects an overwhelmingly positive start to 2025.

It is a privilege to welcome our 194 Year 7 students commencing their secondary schooling journey, and 10 students who joined the college in Year 8-12. On the first day census, the college declared 888 students, which is 35 students more than 2024. This number is anticipated to increase with students returning from overseas and new enrolments.

This year the college Principal Team has increased to four with myself and three Assistant Principals with the following portfolios:

  • Paul Faci - Year 7 and 8/Education Inclusion and Student Wellbeing
  • Craig Dunstan - Year 9 and 10/Teaching and Learning
  • James Stevens - Year 11 and 12/Learner and Staff Development

Building and Grounds Holiday Projects

Over the summer break the college has seen several works which have beautified the college including:

  • Painting and Carpeting of locker bays, rooms in A Block and Senior Study Centre
  • Artificial Turf extension along Cooper Street
  • Orchard garden between C and D Wing

Additionally, our Security Camera upgrades have commenced with new cameras/wiring been installed.

The Master Planning has been completed with all documents including tender documentation have been submitted to the VSBA. It is vital that now our community is active in advocating for the college for funding of these works as we move towards the announcements in the 2025-2026 state budget.

Our Ramps remediation works have been completed and our round 2 of ramps upgrades are due to commence.

College Events

The first three weeks of the school year is always action-packed for both staff and students

Thank you to Friends of Buckley Park for hosting “Picnic in the Park” and "Tea and Tissues". It was great to see the number of our families attending, connecting at both events with each other and the college.

On Tuesday, 11 FEB, the college had our first College Assembly. It was a privilege to address the college to focus on challenging self and getting involved. I officially welcomed back to the college Selma our 2024 dux and Callan one of our nine Year 12 High Achievers. At the assembly we recognised our new Student Leaders.

2025 Student Voice Leaders:

School Captains
RAff Caulfield

Tien Trang

School Vice Captains
Zack Al Mosawi

April Kokkoris

House Leaders
Croft: Ned Lawes, Addison MacFadyen

Hoffman: Abbey Kelly-McGraw, Jayve Faustin

Buckley: Finn McAvoy, Hunter Carmody

Graves: Alexander Yakoubian, Isabelle Inserra

Music Leaders
Tanya Rowan and Dante Ascui
Arts Leaders
Hope Michael and Pasindee Dinayadura
Student Voice Leaders
Year 7: TBC

Year 8: Enes Metin, Miranda Fenech

Year 9: Eva Perrin, Bhavya Bajaj

Middle Year Leaders: Macy Robertson, Jay Nitin

Year 10: Amelie West, Hamish Watt

Year 11: Adrian Cardona, Sneha Dutt

2025 is a year of consolidation and evaluation of the programs which have commenced in 2024. Through the hard work of staff, the programs have been immensely successful seeing an improvement in student engagement.

It is also a delight that the college our Wellbeing Placement Program continues to thrive with three members joining the college this semester which will extend on the provision of pro-active programs and supports for our school.

Our student clubs have continued to increase in diversity with the introduction of a Year 7 Dance Club. The college has also hosted a Year 7 Welcome BBQ as part of our transition program to make all of our new families feel welcome. School Photos have been taken, with a catch up day on 6th of March for anyone who was absent. The commencement of Interschool Sports and our annual Swimming Carnival at Queens Park has also been a huge success.

Workforce Budget

The February census date is Wednesday 26 Feb 2025, and our budget is then confirmed in May after the Census Audit.


The college welcomes 9 teaching staff and 7 Education Support Staff to the college. We have seen a growth in our Support Team with the increased number of funded students from the Disabilities Inclusion Profiles completed. Each of these teachers brings additional strengths and knowledge to the college.

Our new Teaching Staff:

  • Florian Traenkner – German/Humanities
  • Naomi Joy – English/Humanities
  • Samual Hunt – VM/PE
  • Caitlin Wilson – Maths and Science
  • Oscar Menuel- Specialist Maths and Physics
  • Emmaline-Kate Ball - PE and Humanities
  • Ross McIver - Chemistry/Science
  • Kassandra Le - Term 1 English
  • Nicholas Ryan-Glenie - Brass
  • Ty Quinn - Maths

Our new Education Support Staff:

  • Michael Trenkner – Wellbeing Support
  • Beth Otenstein - Voice
  • Lisa Otteraa - Administration
  • Molly Lofts – First Aid
  • Phoeby McMahon – Teacher Aide
  • Thomas Henry – Teacher Aide
  • Aude Girard – Teacher Intern
  • Elliot Fischer – Lab Technician Trainee

We also welcome back from leave Dayna Laurence.

Term 1 Parent, Student, Teacher Conferences

The college will host the first opportunity for PST Conference on Thursday 20th March. This is a great opportunity for parents/carers to connect with teachers to discuss student academic progress, and what parents/carers can do at home to support their child's learning, working in partnership with our dedicated staff. Please keep an eye on Compass Newsfeed for detailed information about how to book using our hybrid version: Google Meet and/or Face-to-Face.

Council Nominations and Elections 2025

Each year the college will seek College Nominations and possible School Council Elections when College Council members tenure expires or have been nominated to relinquish their position prematurely. I will be initiated the Council election process for 2025 – 2027. We will call for four parent representatives, one DET representatives and one student representative. The College Captaincy Team will continue to be seconded on to School Council. The process will commence in Week 4 with the call for nominations. We will have the process finished in time to induct the new members at the March meeting.


I wish to take to opportunity always acknowledge the positive support from the Buckley Park College Community. The college has commenced positively due to the strong school-family partnership. I’m grateful to the efforts of Friends of Buckley Park for their work in connecting families to the college.

I'm assured through a united community where students, families, and staff working together will successfully navigate the challenges encountered in the 2025 school year.

Harold, Craig and Paul

Principal Team

Improved School Grounds and Facilities - Thanks to Parent Fees and Contributions

Over the school holidays, the College has benefited from a variety of school grounds maintenance, thanks to the Parent Fees and Contributions made. We value the support our parent/carer community provide the college so that we can continue to maintain neat and tidy grounds and classroom facilities.

Over the school holidays, the College has benefited from a variety of school grounds maintenance and improvement works in the grounds and classroom/corridor areas. Thank you to the Parent Fees and Contributions made. We value the support our parent/carer community provide to the college so that we can continue to maintain neat and tidy grounds and classroom facilities.

If parents/carers have not had an opportunity to make any contributions as yet, this can be done through billing on Compass. No matter how small, these funds help the College maintain neat and tidy gardens, school grounds and classroom facilities which benefit all students.

Provided below are some pictures of some of the works that have taken place:

  • Painting throughout office administration building, classrooms, corridors
  • Carpet tiling throughout a variety of classrooms and administration areas
  • Refreshed reception foyer
  • Chip bark in garden beds
  • Astro-turf grassed areas
  • Installation of Kitchen Garden / Orchard

Thank you.

Year 7 & Year 9 students to sit NAPLAN testing

The 2025 National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) online Tests will be taking place in Week 7 on Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th March 2025.

Over the coming weeks, all Year 7 and 9 students will receive information about the pending NAPLAN Tests, practice questions and familiarisation with the online tests. The test itself is run using an online program on student laptops. To access this process, your child is required to install the latest version of the appropriate Locked Down Browser (LDB). This will be completed in Home Group over the next 2 weeks.

To complete the different sections of NAPLAN online to the best of their ability, all students must bring with them a set of headphones, their laptop and a charger. A calculator is also required for the Numeracy test.

NAPLAN Tests are delivered nationally to all Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 students during this period. If your child is absent for any of these tests, there will be an opportunity to participate at a time during the following week. The testing times and locations will be added to all student Compass schedules prior to the tests. Below is a summary of the testing schedule.

Wednesday 12/3

Period 2 – Year 7 and 9 Writing

Period 3 – Year 7 and 9 Language Conventions

Thursday 13/3

Period 2 – Year 7 and 9 Reading

Friday 14/3

Period 2 - Year 7 and 9 Numeracy

Monday 17/3

Year 7 and 9 Catch up tests

Further information regarding NAPLAN is found in the attached brochure. This includes information about participation, attendance, withdrawal procedures and adjustments. Any withdrawals will need to be finalised by Friday 7th of March. A representative of the inclusion team will also make contact with families of students with known and identified adjustments.

Please direct any specific questions to Craig Dunstan on 93319999 or through email at

NAPLAN Information

STEAM Academy Launch - 2026

Year 6 students who are accepted into Buckley Park College through the Statewide Transition process will be elligible to apply for selection into the STEAM Academy in 2026.

To find out more about our STEAM Program launching in 2026, and information about the Selection Process for Year 6 students who are granted a place at the College later on this year, please visit our STEAM Academy page

Ramadan 2025

Ramadan Mubarak

As we enter the blessed month of Ramadan Buckley Park College would like to extend our warmest wishes to our families and community. We hope everyone has opportunity to take this time to spend meaningful and quality time with loved ones, as well as embracing and celebrating your faith.

Wishing you a fulfilling and meaningful Ramadan, filled with light, love, and unity.

Ramadan Mubarak!

The sound of progress!

What a start to 2025! Our new students have made excellent progress on their instruments, filling the music department with the sound of progress!

Our returning students have already begun their hard work, with Symphonic Band, Guitar Ensemble and Choir rehearsing already for their upcoming performances. Guitar Ensemble even had a go at modelling in their last rehearsal!
We have so much to look forward to this year, with our highlights of semester 1 including:

  • Melbourne Symphony Orchestra excursion to see Vivaldi’s Seasons (28 March)
  • Music Camp “Reimagined” (14-15 May, with deposits due this Friday 28 Feb)
  • Mid-Year Music Concert, date and theme TBA

It’s not too late to join in! We still have limited availability for students to get involved in voice, trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet and saxophone. See the Instrumental Music Program page for MORE INFO

2025 Benalta Yearbook Pre-Order

Pre-order your child's copy of the 2025 Benalta now!

The Benalta yearbook is published every year to include class and staff photos, events and camps, and BPC news. It is an important record and keepsake of your child's year at Buckley Park College.Orders can be placed up until Monday 13 October.


Peer Support Leaders develop their Emotional Intelligence Leadership

As part of our partnership with Swinburne University's Aristotle Emotional Intelligence unit, our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders engaged in the first of their full Leadership Training days to prepare them for their student leadership role in supporting the transition of our Year 7 cohort.

We are proud to be upskilling our Year 10 students with the Emotional Intelligence and employability skills they need to become effective Peer Support Leaders, to further enhance our Year 7 Transition program. Not only do the skills learnt in this program enable students to better understand their own emotions, but how to navigate the complexity of emotions of others. This program, developed by Swinburne University's Aristotle EI Unit provides a foundation for young people to consider the role emotions play when leading others - whether this be at school, in the workplace, or even in social situations.

Students are engaging in two full days of training to understand the skills to be used, along with the practical activities they will use with year 7 students as part of the year-long Peer Support Program, aimed at strengthening student connectedness to school and developing confidence.

We are so proud of our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders:

  • Samuel A
  • Leyla B
  • Sujai C
  • Sophia C
  • Ella C
  • Alyssa C
  • Anya D
  • Griff H
  • Charli J
  • Joji K
  • Lexie K
  • Xiyad K
  • Eden L
  • Ava M
  • Milla M
  • Julia M
  • Ryan M
  • Mai-Vy N
  • Angie N
  • Aaliyah P
  • Senkal P
  • Anuka R
  • Amelia R
  • Amika S
  • Isaac S
  • Mertay S
  • Akasha W
  • Freya W
  • Wilhelmina W
  • Hamish W
  • Amelie W
  • Dileni W
  • Axel W

To learn more about what was covered in the Aristotle EI Leadership Training, visit the Aristotle EI Program.

Homestay Families needed!

The Languages Faculty is very excited to announce that 26 students and 2 teachers from our Japanese sister school (Nanto Fukuno high school) will be visiting us in March of 2025 (Tuesday 11th March - Sunday 16th March 2025).

We are currently looking for expressions of interest for the Homestay program and your only requirement is to have a Working With Children’s Check. There are many benefits of hosting a Japanese student; from the exposure to another culture and language, especially if your child is studying Japanese, to the rewarding sense of fulfilment.

A payment to cover hosting expenses will be provided.

If you are interested in the Homestay Program, please fill out the Google form -

Please email me ( if you have any questions.

Thank you, Sensei Jessica Suh

New Uniform Provider - Uniform Group

Uniform Group will be the official uniform provider for Buckley Park College starting Term 2, 2025. We are really excited to welcome the team from Uniform Group to work with us as we continue the process of modernising our college uniform.

Uniform Policy

After an extensive Uniform Tender process, the College has entered into a partnership with Uniform Group as it's official uniform provider.

We have listened to what students and families want in a unform which students want to wear with pride:

  • High quality
  • Good value
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Modern appearance

Uniform Group has a convenient location on Keilor Road, Niddrie with Saturday operating hours - making it easier for families to purchase uniform items at a time that is convenient for them. We are still working with Uniform Group to determine how our on-site uniform shop will function - watch this space!

Uniform Group will start providing uniform items from Term 2, 2025. Our contract with the current provider, Dobsons, will remain in place until the end of Term 1 school holidays. We will provide further updates with this.

We will be phasing in new items of uniform which take on the feedback from students and families. However, there is no expectation that families purchase new items immediately. We will gradually phase in and phase out uniform items so as not to put unnecessary financial burden on families.

The first items of uniform to be updated/modernised include:

  • Summer Dress - darker and adjustable to suit different body shapes
  • White polo - higher quality fabric / modernised look
  • Red PE Shirt - higher quality fabric to prevent odor trapping

We will continue to work wtih School Council sub-committee, parents and students to re-design other items of uniform.

Reminder about School Shoes

All students are required to wear FULL BLACK LEATHER school shoes, (not boots), no visible branding on the shoe.

Black leather shoes (All leather, black sport shoes with no visible logos are acceptable)

Leather shoes are required as part of the College School Uniform Policy which can be found here

Some examples of Black Leather Shoes that are permitted:

Some examples of 'fabric' black shoes which we do not permit:

MVCC Safety Around Schools - Guidance for Parents/Carers

It is important as we get back into the swing of school life to remind everyone of the importance of safe driving and parking in the vicinity of the school when dropping off and picking up students. As student safety is our priority, avoiding dangerous situations as students cross roads going to and from school is paramount.

The following is of particular concern to the school:

  • Please avoid dropping off and picking up in the protected zone at the school crossing. As per the signage in the area, it is illegal to stop (even momentarily) when the flags are displayed. .
  • Please avoid double parking in Nimmo Street when dropping off and picking up students.
  • Please avoid using the driveway on Nimmo street as a drop off point as this causes a back-up of traffic and students use this as a walkway.
  • In the council car park on the north side of the school, cars must only be stationary in a marked car space - not in the driveways that go in and out.
  • Please avoid parking on the nature strip in Spencer Street.

Our advice is to arrange a drop off/pick up location a block or more away from the school to avoid congestion and keep the dangers of traffic to a minimum.

It is also important at this time to revisit conversations around road safety with your children to ensure that they are working to keep themselves safe while we all work together to keep them safe.

Buckley wins the 2025 Swimming Carnival

Buckley takes out the 2025 Swimming Carnival in what was a hard fought battle at Queens Park Swimming Pool, Moonee Ponds.

Congratulations to Team Buckley for their win (again!). It was good to see Graves giving them a challenge. The final tally was:

1st Place: Buckley - 184 points

2nd Place: Graves - 173 points

3rd Place: Hoffman - 109 points

4th Place: Croft - 100 points

In addition to the points for swimming, student attendance and support was also awarded, with these points contributing to the overall points tally.

Year 12s Dazzle the Pool in Style!

What is a Buckley Park College tradition, our Year 12s turn up to compete and encourage their house in full dress-up style. House points were also awarded to the following teams who dressed the best:

1st Place - "Adventure Timeline"

2nd Place - "WWE"

3rd Place - "Grandmas"

4th Place - "Lifeguards"

Overall individual best Dressed winner goes to "Diego Vargas"

Thank you:

A huge thank you to our amazing staff and students who made the day a huge success. It was great to see our community come together for a day of fun featuring lots of positive community team spirit.

House Points Update

Graves out in front in the overall House Points tally!

House Points are earned through the demonstration of our College Values: Aspiration, Kindness, Resilience, Community, through active participation in House Sporting and Arts events, and also representing the school publicly within our community. Everyone can contribute.

Points as of 28th February (including Swimming Sports tally):

Come on, Croft!!! Let's catch up to Graves! There's a free BBQ Lunch at the end of the Semester for the winning team!

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy via our College Website describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

Buckley Park College News Term 1, 2025 - 28 Feb 2025

STEAM Academy Launch - 2026

Year 6 students who are accepted into Buckley Park College through the Statewide Transition process will be elligible to apply for selection into the STEAM Academy in 2026.

Steven McGlade

STEAM Learning Specialist


To find out more about our STEAM Program launching in 2026, and information about the Selection Process for Year 6 students who are granted a place at the College later on this year, please visit our STEAM Academy page
